Effect of wearing tight skirt

Tight garments could influence intestinal transit time and increase urinary excretion. They also contribute to the rising rate of esophageal cancer and digestive problem. Studies have shown the effect of tight garments on the human body, and most of these have included physiological investigations; a tight garment can irritate nerves as well as restrict blood circulation and lymph fluid

Yoo et al.were the first to suggest requirements of study associated with the relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and wearing of tight garments. Some studies have examined the risks associated with tight clothes.

They reported that tight clothes such as tight belts, ties, and jeans, which are becoming increasingly popular, have a constraining influence on the abdomen, which in turn might promote reflux.

 Recently, wearing tight skirts has become fashionable. However, the influence of the tight skirt on the musculoskeletal system has yet to be investigated. Wearing a tight skirt has a direct factor on musculoskeletal order.

Author conducted study to show the effects of wearing a tight skirt on the VMO, VL, and TFL muscles during walking.

Methods : The muscle activities of the VMO, VL, and TFL muscles were measured using a surface EMG system during walking while wearing a typical skirt and tight skirt.

Results : The VL and TFL muscle activities significantly increased, and VMO muscle activity significantly decreased when wearing a tight skirt.

What we think :  

Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be caused by weakness of the vastus medialis oblique muscle, increasing of the knee valgus angle, and shortening of the knee lateral muscles, such as the VL or TFL.

 when the knee valgusangle increases to an abnormal proportion, it affects the distance between the origin and insertion of the vastus lateralis muscle.

Therefore, the VL and TFL muscle are overused in dynamic movement.

We believe that a tight skirt may place lateral  force on the patella by increasing the knee valgus angle during walking. When the patella pushes laterally it create shear force on femoral condyle.

If this occurs repetitively, an individual may develop degenerative arthritis due to the abrasion of the articular surface.

Many studies have demonstrated that in  patellofemoral pain syndrome are excessively dragged outward. Therefore VMO activation is required.

The muscle activities of VMO muscles significantly decreased when wearing a tight skirt compared with when wearing a typical skirt. Imbalance in the onset of activities of the VL and VMO leads to patella maltracking.

Wearing a tight skirt daliy may cause an abnormal gait, and it may cause imbalance of femur muscles, such as the VL, VMO, and TFL. Finally, continuous muscle imbalance of femur muscles may cause patellofemoral pain syndrome.

To prevent knee valgus proximal joint stability mist be address.


• Effects of Wearing a Tight Skirt on the VMO, VL, and TFL Muscles during Walking—on-gyuYoo

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