Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Plantar fasciitis : proximal instability

Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most common foot condition treated by health care providers.This painful condition can cause impairment of activity and disability.Patients usually report pain after palpation of the proximal insertion of the plantar fascia and plantar medial heel, and the pain is most noticeable when patients begin walking after a period of inactivity.Clinicians […]

A sophisticated approach for plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fascia is a broad, dense band originating from anterior aspect of calcaneal tuberosity in form of 3 bands namely medial, central and lateral and inserting after dividing into 5 digital bands at metatarsophalangeal joints. It plays vital role in supporting the arch of foot and act as a shock absorber. Plantar Fasciitis is an […]

Hamstring strain due to Glute max late firing : Part 2

Read part 1 if you have missed……. What can be the different diagnosis? 1 )Sciatic nerve entrapment2)Gluteus trigger point3) Trochetric bursitis4) Piriformis syndrome Here we have explained about trochentric bursitis between gluteal nerve affection relationships: When a patient preset a complaint of pain while lying on one side , the therapist should suspect trochanteric bursitis. […]

A new insight on back pain

In the early 20th century the SI joint was thought to be the main source of law back pain and was the focus of many scientific investigations. But recently two newest theories have been developed. First, the theory of rotational malalignment known today as the Malalignment Syndrome which includes: SI joint upslip/downslip (superior/inferior shear), sacral torsion […]

Supraspinatus tendonitis : Guide to treatment

The supraspinatus is usually injured because of heavy repeated demands placed on it ,such as carrying a briefcase, laptop computer, purse, or baby carrier. It is often impinged under the acromiom due to tight pectoralis and tight subscapularis muscles. The supraspinatus has a small superior shear component, but its main function is compression becauseof the […]

Thoughts on Scapula exercise

Scapula exercises are very common and usually a needed to any shoulder rehabilitation or corrective exercise program.    No program is right for everyone!  Here are of scapular exercises that we thought would good to discuss. 1) Pinch Your Shoulder Blades Together : Pinch your shoulder blades , Squeeze your scaps together.  Retract your shoulders […]

Introduction to core subsystem

Muscles don’t work alone to create movement. They work together in synergies to create coordinated movements. Here we’ll identify the four muscle subsystems, discover how these synergies work together, and how to select exercises for developing optimal performance. Introduction : The purpose of this article is to provide a brief overview and definition of the […]