Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Meniscus repair

Defination Keyhole surgery is used to repair a damaged meniscus in a meniscal repair. It is an outpatient, minimally invasive technique. Factors that determine success include the age and location of the tear, the patient’s age, as well as any other injuries that may have been sustained. Anatomy The main meniscal functions are to distribute […]

How to Plan an Exercise Rehabilitation Session

One of my pet peeves in the rehabilitation profession is that patients who are prescribed a rehab programme are typically given a shopping list of exercises with little care put into their execution. how are you supposed to design an effective programme in that time as a practitioner? or, the software platforms that practise gravitating […]

Low back pain, how important is to follow evidence-based practice.

Here’s the study title – Risk Factors Associated With Transition From Acute to Chronic Low Back Pain in US Patients Seeking Primary Care). The study found that ‘non-guideline concordant intervention’ received within the first 21 days of acute low back pain significantly increased the likelihood of developing chronic pain. Let’s dive into a systematic review of […]

You should set up for a squat with your feet shoulder width apart and toes flared out 30°. The Knee should stay perfectly aligned with your second toe. If you look from side , your torso and shins should be parallel. The fact is not two human body are exactly same. For example, differences in […]

Thoracic Spine mobility exercise

Thoracic spine mobility is an extremely important, and often times overlooked. Poor thoracic mobility can affect the shoulder, neck, low back, and hip. Unfortunately, our onto genesis process make us all very prone to poor thoracic mobility. There are many variations of thoracic spine mobility exercises drills that find on social media. Many of them are great […]