Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Adhesive Capsulitis : How do we treat

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is defined as “a condition of uncertain aetiology, characterised by significant restriction of both active and passive shoulder motion that occurs in the absence of a known intrinsic shoulder disorder”Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder is a condition of unknown etiology that results in the development of restriction of […]

Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)

The SEBT was first described in 1998[5].The SEBT has ability to detect postural control deficits between lower limbs. Additionally, between healthy controls and injured populations. The SEBT can also be used to compare balance ability among different sports and its performance. Research has suggested to use this test as a screening tool for sport participation […]

Faulty movement cause Sciatica : Part 1

Sciatica is often described as mild to intense low back pain that travels into the left or right leg. Radiculopathy can occur when a spinal nerve root is compressed (nerve compression) such as from a low back disc rupture (lumbar herniated disc) or bone spur (osteophyte) in the lumbar spine prior to it joining the […]

What is Functional training

“Power is nothing without control” The basic goal in rehabilitation is to restore and enhance function within the environment and to perform specific activities of daily living (ADL). The entire rehabilitation process should be focused on improving the functional status of the patient. The concept of functional training is not new, nor is it limited […]

Why does poor psoas get all the blame?

Many times you heared from your patient that I have very tight hip. What we would prefer to call it is anterior hip tightness/pain/dysfunction as we feel that hip needs to be address as an entire functional unit, not a single muscle.  How to manage with anterior hip pain !! There are two approach for the […]

Loss of terminal knee extension Part 1

Post operative status of knee joint, we quite oftenly see loos of terminal knee extension. We routinely approach for VMO strengthening and electrical stimulation to VMO, Exs. However, we do not get optimal result during gait cycle. Functioning/playing without full knee extension motion can cause problems not only at the knee joint but also up […]

Read this,before you prescribe VMO…

VMO and VL are synergists for knee but they act as an antagonists when it comes to patellar stabilization. They play a very crucial role in patellofemoral pain. Prevalence of PFPS in general population is 25% and 60% among athletes. Theoretically it has been assumed that ratio of VMO: VL is 1:12 in ideal condition, […]

Toe extension matters. Yes it is!!!

We see in routine practice when time to check EHL MMT. Patient fails to distinguish many time and they do ankle dorsiflexion along with toe extension. There is lack of disassociation of toe extension and ankle dorsiflexion. Many patient  when asked to lift their toes, will drive into ankle dorsiflexion; ask them to just purely […]