Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Brain must juggle the things

Many times quick thoughts that must go through our mind during examination. you have patient who is likely be related to the loss of left knee terminal extension. When it is more knee flexion, it may likely more ankle dorsiflexion range of motion during walking. Therefore, anterior shin compartment requires more strength to stop a […]

Active Straight leg raise : Load test

The active straight leg raise test (ASLR) is a loading test . It is use to assess pain provocation and the ability to load the pelvis through the limb. This test performed in lying and the patient is instructed to lift the leg 20cm off the bed . A positive response is a complete inability […]


We talked about gait analysis in our previous post in two parts. In this post we write compansation during gait pattern . We routinely do different joint examination depending on patients problem of course gait examination should be the standard aspect of every examination process. The information gathered during functional assessment will allow the clinician […]

Breathing Pattern : It matter`s

“Breathing underlies all dynamic movement and function.” there is always question in mind that what is the appropriate time and way to assess breathing. The most efficient method to educate patients about normal and abnormal breathing patterns is to give a verbal cues. Recognising and Treating Breathing Disorders. It is incredibly well written and packed […]

Persistent Pain : Exercise or not to exercise

Exercise is the medicine movement of physiotherapist intervention. we are not specific for exercise programme for individual muscle group that we commonly understand. Yes, You should do exercise in persistent pain. Unsurprisingly, dosage is also linked with exercise, yet in physiotherapy we still tend to focus on the typical 3 sets of 10 or 12 […]

Pes anserinus: who is driving the bus?

We all see medial knee pain located just below the medial tibial plateau. It often results from running, or substitute work of hamstring but sometimes with jumping sports as well. these people are often diagnosed with an MCL type injury, but when you examine them further, they do not really fit into the diagnosis box […]

Hamstring strain : Movement impairment

We have written assesment skill and treatment part of hamstring strain. Now we make you think even more deeply for hamstring strain. Generally, we treat hamstring strain with hamstring retraining. But, if hamstring strain has occurred due to overuse or repetitive stress of hamstring the treatment should be retraining of gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and hip […]

Importance of Ankle in movement performance

At the moment, one of these trends is to focus on ‘mobility’. For the purposes of this article, let’s think of mobility as simply ‘the ability to produce a desired movement’. Obviously, some degree of mobility is important to all of us, for everything we do. The real question is, how much is enough? Let’s […]