Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Lower cross syndrome

Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex Dysfunction (LPHCD) has been previously described as “lower crossed syndrome” or an “anterior pelvic tilt”. is likely similar to, or includes the dysfunction described as kyphotic lordotic-posture, sway back posture and is correlated with many low back and lumbosacral dysfunctions.   LPHCD is limited to common impairments of the lumbar spine, sacroiliac […]

Plantar Heel Pain and neural origin Part 2

In case, if you have missed our  previous post click here Part 1 Differential diagnosis: Hendrix et al (1998) found that all of their 51 patients with chronic plantar heel pain due to nerve entrapment showed the following symptoms (1) loss of plantar sensation, (2) a positive plantar flexion-inversion test, (3) a positive Tinel’s test […]

Plantar heel pain of neural origin

Plantar heel pain is one of the most common conditions a clinical therapist encounters. Several conditions lead to heel pain like• Plantar fasciitis• Calcaneal fracture• Rupture of plantar fascia• Atrophy of  heel pad Entrapment of tibial nerve and/or its branches may also cause heel pain. s. Although the contribution of nerve entrapment to plantar heel […]

Total Hip replacement

. Due to the hip being a robust and stable joint, hip replacement hardware generally doesn’t have the same types of stress applied to it such as something like a knee replacement. . LIMITATION—SHORT-TERM PHYSICAL While it is traumatic to have a steel-rod driven into the leg bone, much of the initial movement restrictions are […]

Quadriceps lag: physiological vs pathological

Stillman B.C. conducted study on 64 healthy subjects with no history of knee pain or injury. He found all of them with physiological quadriceps lag: that is, in most subjects the active limit of knee extension fell short of the passive limit. With the subjects seated, for the passive test the examiner lifted the heel […]

The Gracilis: pain generator in knee

The gracilis is one of the contributor to the pes anserine when we consider to knee pain. It helps to add stability to the medial stabilizing complex of the knee. During a gait cycle, the gracilis contracts throughout stance phase with bursts from terminal swing through initial contact and again from pre swing to initial […]