Entries by proactivephysioknowledge

Tips to plan the treatment

The subjective examination is the most crucial aspect of the examination as it determines the severity, irritability and nature  of the patient’s condition.   Good questioning leads to the formation of primary and secondary hypotheses and helps in  prognosis of the injury.   you should have a solid understanding of the patient’s condition and reduce the […]

Tips to plan the treatment

The subjective examination is the most crucial aspect of the examination as it determines the severity, irritability and nature  of the patient’s condition.   Good questioning leads to the formation of primary and secondary hypotheses and helps in  prognosis of the injury.   you should have a solid understanding of the patient’s condition and reduce the […]

Effect of wearing tight skirt

Tight garments could influence intestinal transit time and increase urinary excretion. They also contribute to the rising rate of esophageal cancer and digestive problem. Studies have shown the effect of tight garments on the human body, and most of these have included physiological investigations; a tight garment can irritate nerves as well as restrict blood circulation and lymph […]

Back pain and sciatic nerve mobilisation

Nerve mobilization techniques have been recently used as a method to adjust radiating pain related to disk disease, and in particular, mobilization techniques for the sciatic nerves improve the mobility of the sciatic nerves, decrease mechanosensitivity of the nervous system, and heighten compliance of nerve tissues, relieving low back pain. Through such mobilization techniques, damages […]

Effects of transverse abdominis on SIJ : what do you choose bracing or drawing in

Our views for this article: Drawing in,” also known as, transverse abdominis (TVA) activation is often the first cue given by a Physiotherapist when guiding an patient through an exercise or movement pattern. “Bracing” is an alternative approach to lumbar stabilization involving an isometric contraction of both deep and superficial trunk musculature.  This article provides evidence […]

Physical activity and intervertebral disc health. : Literature review

What we concluded from the study? Bowden et al. (2017) observed the fluid flow within intervertebral discs as an indicator of health in 26 participants betwen 25-55years of age and found the following:⠀✔Participants with any amount of daily vigorous physical activity have better disc health than those without vigorous activity.⠀✔Participants with greater than 30 minutes […]

Gait analysis part -3

This is the third in a multi part series. If you missed part 1, click here. For part 2, click here. Let’s rewind, There are two phases of gait: stance and swing. Stance consists of:  1) Heel strike2) Loading response3) Midstance4) Terminal stance,  5) Pre-swing Swing consists of: 1)initial (early) swing2) mid swing3) terminal (late) swing […]