How long does it take for Achilles tendinopathy to heal?

As always, the response is dependent. For many people with Achilles tendinopathy, it can take 3 to 6 months to observe improvement, and full pain relief can occasionally take longer than a year. Some people however see quick recovery within 3 months (Silbernagel et al. 2007). In fact, only 65% of participants in a Silbernagel research were completely symptom-free at 5 years (Silbernagel et al. 2011).

While the SYMPTOMS of this illness may last for a while, it will usually take considerably less time to get back to performing the things you enjoy (like jogging or playing football) without the discomfort interfering with your performance. The good news is that you don’t have to stop jogging for a year; it merely implies that running may cause some discomfort for a while while you’re recovering, but it’s tolerable suffering.

Self-management that is constant and continuing is essential for full recovery.
Anyone with Achilles tendinopathy—or tendinopathy in general, really—should stay the course and be consistent in adhering to the advice of their healthcare provider because this is frequently a lengthy process. Rarely is this a condition that can be resolved with a few exercises over the course of a few weeks.

Slow to calm down but fast to irritate
Flare ups are likely to occur while you’re recovering, but your doctor should advise you on what to do in these situations and offer you assistance. 15% of the participants in Silbernagel’s 5-year trial had a return of symptoms. (2011) Silbernagel, Brorsson, et al.

We advise our patients to take a longer view and compare their pain “week to week” as opposed to comparing it “day to day.” Or, to put it another way, instead of comparing how your pain feels today to how it did yesterday, consider the average for the past week and contrast it with the same period last year.

Symptomatic improvement does not guarantee complete restoration of muscle-tendon function.
Another intriguing discovery from Silbernagel’s research was that only 25% of those who fully recovered from their symptoms also fully recovered from their muscle-tendon function, as determined by a battery of tests. 2007’s Silbernagel, Thomee, et al. This implies that even while you may be pain-free, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that the tendon’s entire functionality has been restored.

In conclusion, even though Achilles tendinopathy may require some time to heal, it need not prevent you from engaging in the activities you enjoy.