Exercise with Elastic-tubing, correlations with EMG activity of quadriceps muscles and closed kinetic chain cross. A review of literature: 1984-2015.

D’Onofrio , M. Armeni

Ita J Sports Reh Po 2016; 3; 1  ;  459 – 476 ;  doi  10.17385/ItaJSRP.016. 030102                                                              ISSN 2385-1988 [online] IBSN 007-111-19-55


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the state of the art of exercise with an elastic-tubing tool in post-surgical rehabilitation training directed to the Anterior cruciate ligament through a biomedical literature review over a 31-year time span.

Methods: Authors have reviewed the literature using Clinical Queries by choosing a “BROAD STRATEGY” and also using MeSH Terms combined with Booleans “AND” and “OR” and “textwords” independent operators in the PubMed biomedical database, including non-clinical studies Indexed in English and Italian.

Results: 48 studies related to the neuromechanics of the movement concerned and the applicability, safety and efficacy of the proposed exercise were included and viewed.

Conclusions: The use in the rehabilitation clinic and in the reconditioning exercise against elastic resistance is a highly effective and modulating tool that relies on rehabilitation protocols with important results, as demonstrated by EMG studies on the different muscles Of the knee.