Whiplash and Cervical Spine Injuries in Sports Activity. Retrospective Analysis of Literature.

D’Onofrio R.  Tamburrino P. Bruno C. Tamburrino G.  Bhatt J.

Ita. J. Sports Reh. Po. 2017,4,1 ; 701 -722

ISSN 2385-1988 [Online)  IBSN 007-111-19-55

Whiplash is a term commonly used to describe a pathology or series of auto-crash symptoms that can be associated with a cervical acceleration acceleration / deceleration (CAD) acceleration movement. The effects of the so-called “whiplash”, however, are not just related to automobile crashes, but can also be found in many contact sports – such as football and hockey, martial arts, rugby and American football. The presence of Whiplash-type sport injuries is the result of the scientific evidence and the etiopathogenetic-functional knowledge of the primary techniques of both physical and athletic gestures involving the cervical tract during sports activities. Even small muscular traumas located in the anatomical neck / head during sporting gestation, can lead to a series of Whiplash-Associated Disorder (WAD) related symptoms. These clinical manifestations resulting from the back-end or side impact are sustained by a widespread use of medications and rehabilitation strategies in WAD forms.