Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFS) in runners. Epidemiological, Clinical and Rehabilitative Management Aspects.
R. D’Onofrio , P. Tamburrino, M. Armeni ,M. Perera
Ita J Sports Reh Po 2016; 3; 1 ; 516- 540 ; doi : 10.17385/ItaJSRP.016.030105
ISSN 2385-1988 [online] IBSN 007-111-19-55
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the state of the art of clinical aspects and therapeutic management of patello-femoral syndrome (PFPS) in athletes runners through a critical review of biomedical literature.
Methods: Authors have reviewed the literature using Clinical Queries by choosing a “BROAD STRATEGY” and also using MeSHTerms combined with Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” and “textwords” independent of the PubMed biomedical database, along with a search for Authors, and “textwords” independent of the Google Scholar scientific database, including extracts from monographs and studies not indexed in the Italian and Italian languages.
Results: 100 studies related to the review were included and reviewed, and the applicability, security and effectiveness of the proposed management.
Conclusions: From this our analysis of literature emerges as Patello-femoral syndrome (PFPS) in runners has an absolutely conservative functional therapeutic address. The key factors of the rehabilitation process should be directed towards improvements in knee joint function, strength, flexibility, neuromuscular control, with a careful progression of the return to sport.