How to build a better bridge : An EMG analysis

How to implement in your clinical practice?

We advise patient to do bridging exercise in our routine clinical practice but sometimes how much it activate glutes that we don’t know. At the end of treatment patient has the same complaint. Most of the time we activate more hamstring rather than glutes in bridging exercise.  If you have notice patient feels cram in hamstring muscle while doing bridges. This clearly indicate hamstring fire first followed by glutes. This eventually convert into relative stiffness.

Image 1

In this study they have found Significant differences in muscle activation between the modified bridge positions (image 2)and traditional bridge position (image 1)

In conclusion train specific group of muscle and concentrate on it. If the patient has difficulty in stair climbing train his glutes .Modifying the traditional single-leg bridge by flexing the active knee to 135 ° instead of 90 ° minimizes hamstring activity while maintaining high levels of gluteal activation, effectively building a bridge better suited for preferential gluteal activation.

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