A qualitative analysis of the literature on clinical biomechanics of the knee joint during manual cutting in calcium and its implications in non-contact injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament
D’Onofrio ,P. Tamburrino V.Manzi
Ita J Sports Reh Po 2016; 3; 1 ; 499 – 515 ; doi: 10.17385/ItaJSRP.016.030104 ISSN 2385-1988 [online] IBSN 007-111-19-55
This article aims to summarize the current state of knowledge on the prevention of Anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL) through a careful analysis of directional change. Calcium follows in a schematic but not systematic manner both in defensive and offensive phase, gestational situations , Diversified, of a high level of coordination that undergo the lower limb, and in particular the different stressed knees bearing the femoral rotary (compressive forces) femoral tibial (in terms of anterior shear force, compressive forces) .1,5 The magnitude of these stresses is related to the level of muscle activity, the integrity of the joint environment, predisposing factors, postural or mainly related to the management of post-injury recovery1,5,35,36 We can point out that co-contraction of quadriceps and gastrocnemius represent the core of activity. Muscle linked to simple and complex football gesture expression. The co-contraction quadricipite -croscopic image expresses, biomechanically, a role of maximum protection and stability in the knee 40 during the various technical / tactical situations that affect its performance and intensity 1.3, so the player performs during Dynamic / dynamic action training whose non-stereotyped activation and interval times require neurophysiological ability to modulate and manage the various expressions of strength and inequality in a substantial game of perfect balance between joint biomechanics, muscle activity And neuromuscular control.37 In the photography of a game, the stroke is unidirectional straight and present in the least with respect to laterality, torsional movements, performed at different speeds requiring greater neuromuscular control, and biomechanical considerations create, because of the Movements in varus-valgus, combined r Internal / external clapping on the knee joint, high-risk “movements” of non-contact injuries, of the Anterior cruciate ligament.