Physical activity and intervertebral disc health. : Literature review

What we concluded from the study?

Bowden et al. (2017) observed the fluid flow within intervertebral discs as an indicator of health in 26 participants betwen 25-55years of age and found the following:⠀
✔Participants with any amount of daily vigorous physical activity have better disc health than those without vigorous activity.⠀
✔Participants with greater than 30 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity have better disc health when compared to participants with less than 30 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous activity.⠀
✔Participants with high levels of daily sedentary time (greater than 67% of daily awake time) have diminished disc health compared to individuals with lower sedentary time.⠀

“Increased dynamic loading through physical activity and decreased static loading from sedentary time benefit intervertebral disc health. Physical activity, particularly vigorous activity, is beneficial in helping maintain intervertebral disc health.”



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