Background and objective :
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common cause of anterior knee pain quadriceps muscle strengthening is an important part of treatment of this condition but this strengthening is often painful to perform. In this study, effects of quadriceps strengthening at low intensity with blood flow restriction to quadriceps strengthening at high intensity in individuals with patellofemoral pain.
How do you implement in your clinical practice ?
There are fundamental goals in Patellofemoral pain rehabilitation which are reducing pain , improving function, increase quadriceps strength .This study clearly shows that both traditional quadriceps strengthening and BFR training can be used to
reduce pain from PFP and increase quadriceps strength , But in our daily clinical practise , we find heavy strength training for the quadriceps who has PFP syndrom. Manytimes it is painful to perform. This is where the real clinical implication of the study shows that BFR training is an effective alternative to traditional causes of training for people with PFP.
To perform BFR training for the quadriceps , a cuff should be tied around a proximal thigh to perceived tightness of 7 /10 and loads of 20 to 30% 1 RM should be used with high repeatation (>15) and rest period (< 1 minute)
BFR training has been produce similar amounts of muscle growth to our daily traditional resistance training programme. Hence, it is a great technique to use with patients who are unable to perform with heavy load training . In BFR training , they would benefit from devloping muscle size and strength.[/restrict]