Ita J Sports Reh Po 2015; 2; 4 ; 345 – 367 ; doi : 10.17385/ItaJSRP.015.3007
ISSN 2385-1988 [online ] IBSN 007-111-19-55
Football is considered to be the most popular sport in the world being practiced by at least 200 million athletes and 21 million footballers, registered at the Fèdèration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Injury events are an adverse, important, often extremely disabling event for the career of a soccer player. Muscle injuries are very common in calcium, representing up to 37% of all lesions due to lack of agonist activity. The results of the research on the scientific evidence highlighted in the literature depend on the concept of defining the injury, the characteristics of the players and the objective of the search. 16 The methodological problems associated with the search for sports injuries have been described and highlighted by Finch, 58, Dvorak 59, 60 noyes.61 International epidemiological studies on football players have identified an incidence rate of 10- 35 for 1000 hours of play. 64 Most lesions occur at the lower limb, particularly 61.2% due to knee and ankle2. Over 1/4 of calcium injuries are injuries
Skeletal muscle, mainly located in the quadriceps (14%), in the musculoskeletal muscles (28%) and in the adductors (8%), 3.4, Asymmetries / dysbalances in the quadriceps / Incidence of injuries. The prevention and rehabilitation of lesions of the cross-wings should be part of an approach, interdisciplinary, systematic based on evidence presented and validated by scientific literature