Shoulder instability can be fixed in 6 ways.
Due to the wide range of shoulder instability symptoms,…

Achillies Tendinopathy Part 2 : Rehabilitation
Click here to read our previous post on diagnosis and etiology

Achilles Tendinopathy Part 1
The Achilles tendon is the biggest and strongest tendon in the…

The untold story of mighty psoas Part 2
Kindly read previous blog to understand second one ,

Plantar Heel Pain and neural origin Part 2
In case, if you have missed our previous post click here…

Kinetic chain assessment streamline
In this post, we have given the idea while assesing kinetic…

Back pain and sciatic nerve mobilisation
Nerve mobilization techniques have been recently used as a method…

Does the piriforims need to be stretched?
The piriformis is an external rotator of the hip that attaches…

Battle between two tribes
One of the major imbalances in treating individuals with lumbo-pelvic-hip…