Muscles which control & Move Hip

Synergy groups of muscles
Other muscles also!
According to Benn, et al (2018) highlights that hip extension is not all about GMax and Biceps femoris. Addmagnus might play an important role in stabilisation and counter forces at the hip.

- The upper portion of muscles is involved in hip extension and adduction and some amount of external rotation.
- The lower portion of muscles is involved in hip extension, adduction, and internal rotation.
- Hip flexion increases both portion loose adduction force production.
Most of the studies indicate that hip extension movements are done by gluteus maximus and bicep femoris. A very few studies consider adductor Magnus as a clinical.
Muscle size changes with pathology

Grimaldi, Richardson articles discussing about muscle changes in hip OA. These articles tell us about muscles affected by Hip OA.
Exercise Position
[restrict]This exercise used to strengthen hip extension and is also important for bed mobility. It preceded functional tasks such as sit-to-stand and kneeling. Kang, Choung & Jeon (2016) found that increase in GMax activation increase hip abduction angle from 0 to 15 to 30*. There is also a reduction in anterior pelvic tilting and erector spinae muscle as well as biceps femoris muscle activity.

Prone hip extension
This exercise is used to assess hip extension strength as well as movement impairment in hip joint.
What the research says about HIp extension!!!
- Jeon and colleagues (2016) found that when Prone hip extension is performed off the edge of a table with the moving leg held at 90 degrees knee flexion, GMax activation is promoted over biceps femoris.
Clam Shell exercise
This exercise used to target GMax and strengthen hip external rotation. Koh, Park & Jung (2016) found that providing visual feedback in the form of watching the ASIS of the topside that allows the hip to perform the clam movement without pelvic rotation, which increases gluteal activation and performance.

Selkowitz, D. M., Beneck, G. J., & Powers, C. M. (2013). Which Exercises Target the Gluteal Muscles While Minimizing Activation of the Tensor Fascia Lata? Electromyographic Assessment Using Fine-Wire Electrodes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 43(2), 54-64.
Crossley, K. M., Zhang, W.-J., Schache, A. G., Bryant, A., & Cowan, S. M. (2011). Performance on the single-leg squat task indicates hip abductor muscle function. The American journal of sports medicine, 39(4), 866-873.
Grimaldi, A. (2011). Assessing lateral stability of the hip and pelvis. Manual Therapy, 16(1), 26-32.
Grimaldi, A., Richardson, C., Stanton, W., Durbridge, G., Donnelly, W., & Hides, J. (2009). The association between degenerative hip joint pathology and size of the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and piriformis muscles. Manual therapy, 14(6), 605-610.
Grimaldi, A., Richardson, C., Durbridge, G., Donnelly, W., Darnell, R., & Hides, J. (2009). The association between degenerative hip joint pathology and size of the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles. Manual therapy, 14(6), 611-617.
Kang, S. Y., Choung, S. D., & Jeon, H. S. (2016). Modifying the hip abduction angle during bridging exercise can facilitate gluteus maximus activity. Manual therapy, 22, 211-215.
Benn, M. L., Pizzari, T., Rath, L., Tucker, K., & Semciw, A. I. (2018). Adductor magnus: An EMG investigation into proximal and distal portions and direction specific action. Clinical Anatomy.
Jeon, I. C., Hwang, U. J., Jung, S. H., & Kwon, O. Y. (2016). Comparison of gluteus maximus and hamstring electromyographic activity and lumbopelvic motion during three different prone hip extension exercises in healthy volunteers. Physical Therapy in Sport, 22, 35-40.
Chance-Larsen, K., Littlewood, C., & Garth, A. (2010). Prone hip extension with lower abdominal hollowing improves the relative timing of gluteus maximus activation in relation to biceps femoris. Manual Therapy, 15(1), 61-65.
Retchford, T. H., Crossley, K. M., Grimaldi, A., Kemp, J. L., & Cowan, S. M. (2013). Can local muscles augment stability in the hip? A narrative literature review. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 13(1), 1-12.
Koh, E. K., Park, K. N., & Jung, D. Y. (2016). Effect of feedback techniques for lower back pain on gluteus maximus and oblique abdominal muscle activity and angle of pelvic rotation during the clam exercise. Physical Therapy in Sport, 22, 6-10.
Kang, S. Y., Jeon, H. S., Kwon, O., Cynn, H. S., & Choi, B. (2013). Activation of the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles during prone hip extension with knee flexion in three hip abduction positions. Manual therapy, 18(4), 303-307. [/restrict]
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